Saturday, June 13, 2009

Time is Redeemed for You!

computer animation

There is a...time for every activity under heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1

Yesterday while driving home, feeling a little frustrated that I didn't have enough time, I stopped myself and said, "no, you have all the time in the world".
I continued the self talk, "I say that time is redeemed for you, and God restores what was taken away!"
Isn't there an old Rolling Stones song that sings...time, time, time, is on my side...yes it is!?

So...celebrate your triumph over time. Escape the trap of being dominated by animation of a clock and businesspoeple

God moves in the eternal, effortlessly, and He moves in us.

Jesus said over and over and over again not to worry or stress out over things. The first summer lily outside my breakfast room window this morning reminded me of that...

and although it was "time" for the grass to be cut, I saw the constant reminder of Christ's words on the tall yellow dandelions that speckle my backyard moving with the flow of the breeze.
-Not even Solomon in all his splendor was adorned like one of these. If that's how God adorns the grass, how much more will your Father in heaven take care of you.

So I say...move with the flow of life and the flow of the timeless Holy Spirit where the river of eternity transcends the time-bound world system.

Skyscrapers with conceptual time clocks

Time is redeemed for me!...Time is redeemed for you!

River in Deep Canyon

Man Excited on a Hill


SCRIBE said...

You have ALL the time that is needed to accomplish everything GOD has planned for you. Maximize your resources and eliminate the clutter and distractions, then we find that GOD has cleared our way to receive greater things and MORE OF HIM and the Holy Spirit. I say it is well with you and your household. Everything that is needed is readily available and within you, just RECEIVE and call to surface those buried, hidden, untapped treasures and gifts!

Karl said...

Yes!..eliminate the clutter and distractions! true and needed in my house right now. I say clutter is being swept up and swept out, divine order is happening and good things coming up and coming into place.

Thank you Scribe. God bless.

Teezy313 said...

Time isn't an issue to God and it shouldn't be to His creation either. If we really want to tap into the eternal life that Jesus promised us all we have to do is live in the eternal now!

karl said...

Thank you Teezy...yes, the eternal now living.

Larry Usher said...

Good post Karl, liked the pics as well! God has ways to squeeze more out of our "Earth" time, so it is incumbent upon us to listen & obey, for in so doing we allow Him reign and rein over our time.

Blessings to you!

Bro Lar

karl cobos said...

Thanks Bro Lar,
I don't know why but my first thought is the more we feel squeezed then the greater the harvest of fruit and fruit juice in our lives.

Zachary just now looked over my shoulder and said with a serious face, "but we planted time already."
It's funny because what he was talking about was the "thyme" in our herb garden we already planted.

But you that I think of that...God planted time, and he knows exactly how to GROW IT, and how much time IS in each one of our gardens!!! wow, thank you Zachy!

May the flow of His Spirit here and awesome connections happen here for everyone!

Anonymous said...

Hey senor! I know its late but before I go to bed I just want to say thanks for your texts and have a HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! Good night! I'll try to get some rest with the new job I haven't been able to get some decent sleep. Hasta luego!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Everardo, and you are welcome.
I know you've been through a lot of changes but I believe good things are being "birthed" as it were for new things, and progress. God loves you and God bless you in your new job...of course keep your eyes open for those other things you are wanting to do too.