I will say today that we just be 'real'. The real thing, like Coke, or the real deal!
Be understanding in your relationships, and not judgemental.
Accept people today just as they are...receive people today just as they are...for God accepts you and me just as we are.

So...accept yourself and receive yourself just as you are, and I will accept and receive myself just as I am...with no hurtful and debilitating self-condemnation. I will flow with forgiveness to ALL, including myself.

Be a good listener, pay attention, and people will listen to you in return.

Show the agape love of God to everyone in your world today and speak words that help people feel connected and not alienated.
What the world needs now is love, sweet love...(who sang that anyway?)
May the world know the love of our Father in heaven through you and I today. Make peace, and make the best of what you have, just as you are.
I'm hoping and planning to have a special post for Father's Day weekend. Let me know of any songs you can think of that might go with that.
Also, what are some of your fondest memories with your father, and if you're a father what are some of the fondest memories with your son or grandsons?
If you're father was alien to you how has your Father in heaven been there for you instead?

If you see gaps in my posting I want you guys to know that you can still keep making comments and connect with each other. God bless, and peace.-Karl
Hey Dad, that's a great picture of father and son looking out into the blue. Makes me think of Father holding the hand of perfected humanity and asking where do we want to create a new world in the infinite cosmos.
Peace and cool thoughts
I recieve you just as you are! And i recieve the rest of my family just as they are because the Father has loved and recieved me just as I am, blemishes and all, because in reality he doesn't see the blemishes that we see. He sees us through the tree of life, not the one of the knowledge of good and evil....he sees us through blood stained eyes..he sees us purged in the consuming fire that is sanctification coming through our trial without the smell of smoke...coming on the other side not mearly survivors but overcomers!!
Cool thoughts anonymous, thank you.
word ver: payer
just thought this was so close to 'prayer' and had to mention it.
good word. The father receives us blemishes and all. I don't have to make up or cover up. He doesn't see the blemishes that we see.
I just remembered when I was a kid visiting my dad he had this red Mercedes Benz covertible...I remember us driving into the Virginia mountains...we were COOL!
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