TODAY, I say that you go through, by dwelling in.
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1
Imagine an island paradise surprisingly in your own backyard, you lying in a hammock in the shade under the palms, gentle breezes upon your skin.

This is like your secret place in God through the Spirit in you.
Find it...dwell there!
You can go through anything while in that place! You are stronger than your fears...find your comfort there!
Ah yes, the secret place of The Most High. That is the place to dwell. Everything else is but a passing vapor and a withering blade of grass.
It is so important to engage everything that is within us to GO THROUGH in order to reach the other side. While we must not become satisfied or complacent by setting up a tent to dwell in what are supposed to be places of transition. Let us not stop short or only go half way, especially when things are extremely tough. As we PUSH our way THROUGH, even in our depleted states of being, we will find that we have set foot in our own "Promised Land" by simply taking one step at a time!
thanks anonymous...that which is unseen will endure.
thank you. as we step and push forward into our Jordans, God pushes the water back so we can go through.
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