Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Keep Moving Straight Ahead!
"I am suffocated and lost when I have not the bright feeling of progression" - Margaret Fuller
"Change is the watchword of progression" - Ella Wheeler Wilcox
You know, see if you remember this song which I just realized is very positive about taking care of problems and moving made me chuckle thinking of it but I never really knew some of the other check out...
Whip It lyrics by Devo
crack that whip
give the past the slip
step on a crack
break your momma's back
when a problem comes along
you must whip it
before the cream sits out too long
you must whip it
when something's going wrong
you must whip it
now whip it
into shape
shape it up
get straight
go forward
move ahead
try to detect it
it's not too late
to whip it
whip it good
when a good time turns around
you must whip it
you will never live it down
unless you whip it
no one gets away
until they whip it
i say whip it
whip it good
So...where are they now? I found this clip...''Whip it'' Live from the grove in anaheim oct 27th 2006,!!!
(pause Playlist first)
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving” - Albert Einstein
“All of the top achievers I know are life-long learners... Looking for new skills, insights, and ideas. If they're not learning, they're not growing... not moving toward excellence.” - Denis Waitley
Here's a snippet from something I wrote this morning:
I see 2010 coming down from heaven as a gift, breaking through the ground that was the year before. Fresh new growth that can break through any fortified wall built against us in 2009.
Don't be afraid of what's before you. Be strong and not be discouraged.
Yes, in THREE DAYS you will be crossing into 2010, a personal Jordan crossing you could say.
Go in, take possession..."MOVE FORWARD!"
( I expounded a little more on this on )
-Ending the year of 2009, see where you've do need your rear view mirror. It is also important to see who you've become, and what are you 'seeing' about yourself in 2009, 2010, and about your life?
-The world will go on with or without you, so you might as well get in the game!
(these last few lines I took from bishop Jim Swilley of Church in the Now this past weekend)
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Written by Therese J. Borchard, from Beyond The Blue articles
1. Expect the Worst
Now that's a cheery thought for this jolly season. What I'm trying to say is that you have to predict bad behavior before it happens so that you can catch it in your holiday mitt and toss it back, instead of having it knock you to the floor. It's simple math, really. If every year for the last decade, Uncle Ted has given you a bottle of Merlot, knowing full well that you are a recovering alcoholic and have been sober for more years than his kids have been out of diapers, you can safely assume he will do this again. So what do you do? Catch it in your "slightly-annoyed" mitt. (And maybe reciprocate by giving him a cheese basket for his high cholesterol.)
2. Remember to "SEE"
No, I don't mean for you to schedule an appointment with an ophthalmologist. SEE stands for Sleeping regularly, Eating well, and Exercising. Without these three basics, you can forget about an enjoyable (or even tolerable) holiday. Get your seven to nine hours of sleep and practice good sleep hygiene: go to bed at the same time every night, and wake up in the same nightgown with the same man at the same time in the same house every morning.
Eating well and exercise are codependent, at least in my body, because my biggest motivator for exercising is the reduction in guilt I feel about splurging on dessert. Large quantities of sugar or high fructose corn syrup can poison your brain. If you know your weak spot--the end of the table where Aunt Judy places her homemade hazelnut holiday balls--then swim, walk, or jog ten extra minutes to compensate for your well-deserved treat. Another acronym to remember during the holidays is HALT: don't get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired.
3. Beef Up Your Support
If you attend Al-Anon once a week, go twice a week during the holidays. If you attend a yoga class twice a week, try to fit in another. Schedule an extra therapy session as insurance against the potential meltdowns ahead of you. Pad yourself with extra layers of emotional resilience by discussing in advance specific concerns you have about X, Y, and Z with a counselor, minister, or friend (preferrably one who doesn't gossip).
In my life with two young kids, this means getting extra babysitters so that if I have a meltdown in Starbucks like I did two years ago--before I knew the mall was menacing to my inner peace--I will have an extra ten minutes to record in my journal what I learned from that experience
4. Avoid Toxic People
This one's difficult if the toxic people happen to be hosting Christmas dinner! But in general, just try your best to avoid pernicious humans in December. And if you absolutely must see such folks, then allow only enough time for digestion and gift-giving. Drink no more than one glass of wine in order to preserve your ability to think rationally. You don't want to get confused and decide you really do love these people, only to hear them say something horribly offensive two minutes later, causing you to storm off all aggravated and hurt. (This would also be a good time to remember Rule #1.)
5. Know Thyself
In other words, identify your triggers. As a highly sensitive person (as described in Elaine Aron's book, "The Highly Sensitive Person"), I know that my triggers exist in a petri dish of bacteria known as the Westfield Annapolis Mall. Between Halloween and New Years, I won't go near that place because Santa is there and he scares me with his long beard, which holds in its cute white curls every virus of every local preschool. Before you make too many plans this holiday season, list your triggers: people, places, and things that tend to trigger your fears and bring out your worst traits.
6. Travel With Polyester, Not Linen
By this, I DO NOT mean sporting the polyester skirt with the red sequinned reindeer. I'm saying that you should lower your standards and make traveling as easy as possible, both literally and figuratively. Do you really want to be looking for an iron for that beautiful linen or cotton dress when you arrive at your destination? I didn't think so--life's too short for travel irons.
I used to be adamantly opposed to using a portable DVD player in the car to entertain the kids because I thought it would create two spoiled monsters whose imaginations had rotted courtesy of Disney. One nine-hour car trip home to Ohio for Christmas, I cried uncle after six hours of constant squabbling and screaming coming from the back seat. Now David and Katherine only fight over which movie they get to watch first. If you have a no-food rule policy for the car, I'd amend that one during the holidays as well.
7. Make Your Own Traditions
Of course, you don't need the "polyester" rule if you ban holiday travel altogether. That's what I did this year. As the daughter/sister who abandoned her family in Ohio by moving out east, it has always been my responsibility to travel during the holidays. But my kids are now four and six. I can't continue to haul the family to the Midwest every year. We are our own family. So I said this to my mom a few weeks ago: "It's very important that I spend time with you, but I'd like to do it as a less stressful time, like the summer, when traveling is easier." She wasn't thrilled, but she understood.
Making your own tradition might mean Christmas Eve is reserved for your family and the extended family is invited over for brunch on Christmas Day. Or vice versa. Basically, it's laying down some rules so that you have better control over the situation. As a people-pleaser who hates to cook, I make a better guest than host, but sometimes serenity comes in taking the driver's seat, and telling the passengers to fasten their seatbelts and be quiet.
8. Get Out of Yourself
According to Gandhi, the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service to others. But that doesn't necessarily mean holding a soup ladle. Since my name and the word "kitchen" have filed a restraining order on each other, I like to think there are a variety of ways you can serve others.
Matthew 6:21 says "for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." In other words, start with the things you like to do. For me, that is saying a rosary for a depressed Beyond Blue reader, or visiting a priest-friend who needs encouragement and support in order to continue his ministry, or helping talented writer friends get published. I'd like to think this is service, too, because if those people are empowered by my actions, then I've contributed to a better world just as much as if I had dished out mashed potatoes to a homeless person at a shelter.
9. Exercise Your Funny Bone
"Time spent laughing is time spent with the gods," says a Japanese proverb. So, if you're with someone who thinks he's God, the natural response would be to laugh! But seriously folks, research shows that laughing is good for your health. And, unlike exercise, it's always enjoyable! The funniest people in my life are those who have been to hell and back, bought the t-shirt, and then accidentally shrunk it in the wash. Humor kept them alive--physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Remember, with a funny bone in place--even if it's in a cast--everything is tolera
Saturday, December 5, 2009
I've got the power!
I said, "you know, I never saw that, cool!"
Like "blam!", "kaboom!", and "whack!"..."POW!"
You've got the POWER!
Not the song you're thinkin' but a good video...
Proverbs 3:27
Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act.
scene from Bruce Almighty:
King David said in Psalm 77:14
You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Forget the former things, try NEW things.
Sometimes we're such creatures of habit that the new thing is difficult.
Once in awhile you need to go through and clean out your head, like your closet, and get rid of the old stuff...old ways of thinking, and send those thoughts to Goodwill.
Let your mind be fresh and constantly renewed.
Get rid of those bad thoughts about yourself...they have to die if you want to move into a greater you. Get rid of the stupid stuff!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
--Richard Bach
"Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving."
--Kahlil Gibran
I just want to celebrate another day of livin'
I just want to celebrate another day of life
Well, I can't be bothered with sorrow
And I can't be bothered with hate, no, no
I'm using up my time by feeling fine, every day
- by Rare Earth
(just as I posted this, the song Celebration by Kool and The Gang was playing)
The morning started with leftover crepes I had made a couple of days ago and enjoying the beauty outside my window of the day just starting. Actually, I got up right when Macy's parade was ending...stayed up a little late.
The,the turkey was super tender and juicy...and with gravy, why in the world did I wait a whole year! Sweet potato casserole was slammin'. Mom did a great first attempt at the dressing and a guest brought a bucketful of brown rice and mushrooms spread out on a huge beautiful silver platter.
Aunt Karen played her piano while I felt like I could easily doze off on her soft and comfy couch.
Baby cousin Jordi was the cutest watching baby Einstein videos on a flat screen 5 times as big as he is.
My wife was sick but still did a bang up job on her makeup and looked the prettiest... however, the Victoria's Secret girls weren't too shabby either, nyuck, nyuck (ha).
Finished the night with a hot ham and cheese roll, green been casserole and hot tea while watching Paul McCartney in New York. Not sure how late I'll be up, but I just might get me one of those baked pears, too.
God bless! I hope that you all had a great day and someone to spend it with. May your holiday season truly be filled with joy and peace on earth!
Friday, November 20, 2009
One World
Come just like you be
It's the bumps and curves of our history
But no blocks in the road that we can't traverse
And no wounds from the past that can't be nursed - Toby Mac, from 'One World', #24 on the Playlist.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Be Content
Be content, whether you have much, or little - Apostle Paul
Friday, November 13, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Hold on Tight to Your Dreams!
Weave it on the loom of faith which calls those things that are not as though they are, with threads of imagination, vision and the prophetic word of God.
Your dream demands that you think in a whole new way...ERASE YOUR OLD TAPES. Update your mental files and prepare yourself for the new thing that God is birthing in you through the power of dreams.
(from A Year In The Now, bishop Jim Swilley)
I was thinking of putting the following song on earlier and then I went to another blog and the first song being played there was the exact one I was thinking of, so...I took it as a confirmation and put Hold On Tight here...the lyrics, and then on the playlist, currently #39
HOLD ON TIGHT - Jeff Lynne of ELO
Hold on tight to your dream
Hold on tight to your dream
When you see your ship go sailing
When you feel your heart is breaking
Hold on tight to your dream.
It's a long time to be gone
Time just rolls on and on
When you need a shoulder to cry on
When you get so sick of trying
Just hold tight to your dream
CHORUS: When you get so down that you can't get up
And you want so much but you're all out of luck
When you're so downhearted and misunderstood
Just over and over and over you could
Accroches-toi à ton rêve
Accroches-toi à ton rêve
Quand tu vois ton bateau partir
Quand tu sens ton coeur se briser
Accroches-toi à ton rêve.
Hold on tight to your dream
Hold on tight to your dream
When you see the shadows falling
When you hear that cold wind calling
Hold on tight to your dream.
Oh, yeah Hold on tight to your dream
Yeah, hold on tight... To your dream.
...along with this I would like to suggest what I have also heard...that you actually WRITE DOWN your goals/dreams, preferably a special journal or folder for this. It has much greater chances of being fulfilled when you do they say. The counsel sounds good to me...just sayin'.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Cut the Negatives!
Glorious sunrise...mist on the lake...fog on the fields...these are a few of this morning's thrills! There are so many beautiful things and moments that surround you, get into them.
Right now I'm looking at a photo envelope that says IMPORTANT: PLEASE DO NOT CUT THE NEGATIVES.
...and I'm thinking, "Yes!, we DO need to cut the negatives"...ya know...negative thinking, hate, anger, self-condemning words, unforgiveness and the like.
speaking of film and negatives here's a quick slide show of recent shots...enjoy!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Laugh as much as you breathe!
Today I was rehearsing parts in a play called "Color of Love", and I'm the white guy in love with the black girl and her daddy doesn't like it. It's got some pretty real stuff but also some humor too. Really needed the laughter today...quite stressed out.
In the restroom of the host's beautiful home I read the following framed quote:
Laugh as much as you breathe...Love as long as you live.
...sounds like good counsel to me. Have a great week everybody!
Friday, October 2, 2009
The dream's alive with my eyes opened wide
Back in the ring you've got me swinging for the grand prize
I feel the haters spittin vapors on my dreams
But I still believe...
I found this song someone put through a "Chipmunk Remixer", strange, kinda cute, kinda funny...but really look at the lyrics I've posted. Also, this song is #38 on my playlist, Toby Mac's actual version.
ok, click playlist to pause first and gooooooo Chipmunks!
tobyMac - Made to Love You Lyrics:
The dream is fading, now I'm staring at the door
I know its over cause my feet have hit the cold floor
Check my reflection, I ain't feelin what I see
It's no mystery
Whatever happened to a passion I could live for
What became of the flame that made me feel more
And when did I forget that...
I was made to love you
I was made to find you
I was made just for you
Made to adore you
I was made to love
And be loved by you
You were here before me
You were waiting on me
And you said you'd keep me
Never would you leave me I was made to love
and be loved by you
The dream's alive with my eyes opened wide
Back in the ring you've got me swinging for the grand prize
I feel the haters spittin vapors on my dreams
But I still believe
I'm reachin out, reachin up, reachin over
I feel a breeze cover me called Jehovah
And daddy I'm on my way
Cause I was made to love...
I was made to love you
I was made to find you
I was made just for you
Made to adore you
I was made to love
And be loved by you
You were here before me
You were waiting on me
And you said you'd keep me
Never would you leave me I was made to love
and be loved by you
I was made to love you
I was made just for you
Made to adore you
I was made to love
And be loved by you
You were here before me
You were waiting on me
And you said you'd keep me
Never would you leave me I was made to love
and be loved by you
(nah, nah, nah, nah - nah, nah, nah, nah, nah)
(nah, nah, nah, nah - nah, nah, nah, nah, nah)
Anything I would give up for you (nah, nah, nah, nah, nah)
Everything, I'd give it all away (nah, nah, nah, nah, nah)
Anything I would give up for you (nah, nah, nah, nah, nah)
Everything, I'd give it all away (nah, nah, nah, nah, nah)
Anything I would give up for you (nah, nah, nah, nah, nah)
Everything, I'd give it, I'd give it all away, Oh yeah
Cause I was made to love you (I was made to love you)
Yeah I was made to love you (I was made to find you)
Cause I was made to love you (I was made to adore you, made just for you) (nah, nah, nah, nah, nah)
I was made to love you (I was made to adore you, made just for you)
Cause I was made to love you (I was made to adore you, made just for you) (nah, nah, nah, nah, nah)
I was made to love you (I was made to adore you)
Yeah I'm loved by you
Yeah I'm loved by you (nah, nah, nah, nah, nah)
Yeah I' m loved by you (nah, nah, nah, nah, nah)
(nah, nah, nah, nah, nah)
(nah, nah, nah, nah, nah)
Friday, September 25, 2009
Get Up!
Most of the things I read this morning dealt with diligence, and how it will pay off for me, and you, of course.
Below is a video that really spoke to me when I watched the whole thing pan out. It really speaks about you having a lot of value and talent to give, not giving up but GETTING UP, being diligent, moving forward and you'll be tell me what you think. (pause Playlist first, on the right)
I've also read about having a mind to work, and moving forward.
Like the girl in this video I sometimes feel like giving up, and some of you may have felt that at times too. I would say keep being diligent and maintain a dedication to the things you really believe in.
Hold on to your visions/dreams, and let your purpose consume you today.
Get up, get going, and move ahead!
He who cannot change the very fabric of his thought will never be able to change reality. Anwar Sadat
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Getting Rich!
...the hand of the diligent makes rich. (Proverb 10:4 Amplified Bible)
Apply yourself to the fulfillment of destiny but also be content where you currently are.
Do all that you can to produce a pattern of behavior in your life that will bring self-improvement.
Decide your daily routine, for your daily routine is determining your future!
Walk in a prosperous mentality and work wisely and well.
Discipline yourself to get rich God's way, for the blessing of the Lord makes rich and He adds no sorrow with it. (Proverb 10:22)
Monday, September 21, 2009
Calm Down.
Manage your emotions, particularly anger. (yep, that one is really speaking to me this week)

Be wise in choosing your battles, and avoid unnecessary stress in your life .

Take deep breaths...relax...laugh. Seek to forgive and don't take life too seriously.
Try not to let your enemies "get to you". Try to keep everything in perspective by looking at the big picture.

Let "soft answers" turn around negative situations today.
Learn to let something go today, and try to cast your care on God who cares for you.

Found this older song of "It's raining again"...brought back memories of musical enjoyment while in my grandmother's little song.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
All things are possible!
Be true to your dream, you have to.
No one else can birth it for you, it is yours, you have to carry it.
Stop waiting on other run with it!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Silence can be Golden!
This makes me think of an old song titled "Enjoy the Silence" by Depeche Mode,(pause playlist to the right)
I'll be very honest and say that I've been having a difficult time in controlling anger lately in some instances...interesting that I just read the following from Proverb 25:28;
A man who does not control his temper is like a city whose wall is broken down.
...and again I pulled some of the following from a favorite book...
"Don't jump to conclusions – there may be a perfectly good explanation for what you just saw."(Proverbs 25:8 – The Message)
"He who answers a matter before he hears the facts — it is folly and shame to him."(Proverbs 18:13 – AMP)
I will not have to tear down someone else in order to make myself look good.
I will not believe everything I hear, especially when I hear something negative about someone else.
Today I will not put my foot in my mouth by foolishly speaking of things about which I am ill-informed or of which I am ignorant.
Today I will know when to shut up.
It is written: "A fool vents all his feelings, but a wise man holds them back" (Proverbs 29:11), and again: "Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; when he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive" (Proverbs 17:28).
Today I will comprehend the meaning of the old adage "Silence is golden."
I will not need to impress anyone by making them think that I know more than I actually do. I will be smart enough to be myself.
I will believe in myself, expect the best of myself, walk in confidence and godly counsel – but I will keep it all in perspective. I will realize that I don't know everything. I will not have to always be right today!
Today I will think before I speak.
Today I will ask the Lord to put a watch over my mouth, relying on the spiritual fruit of temperance and self-control to assist me in this matter.
Father, help me to speak like a wise person today. In Jesus’ name, amen.
(taken/adapted from A Year In The Now, Bishop Jim Swilley)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Strong in Spirit!
The strong spirit of a man will sustain him in bodily pain or trouble, but a weak and broken spirit who can raise up or bear? (Proverb 18:14)
I heard yesterday how positive, strong, and upbeat Patrick always was or tried to be, laughing and playing jokes even at a barbeque a few weeks back. I think that that joy in the midst of anything is a great example to us.

A few words from what I'm reading as I type;
I will invest myself completely in this day, inspired by the incontestable insight that no infirmity can infiltrate or injure the infrastructure of my invincible inner fortress!
"A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken. All the days of the afflicted are evil, but he who is of a merry heart has a continual feast"-Proverb 15:13,15) I choose joy for myself today and, in so doing, I choose well-being for every area of my life!
Today I will medicate myself with the merriness of my own heart. "A merry heart does good like medicine..." (Proverb 17:22). I will enjoy experiencing ecstatic laughter, releasing endorphins to elevate me emotionally, enabling me to feel encouraged and enthusiastic about exemplifying an ever-excellent attitude!
Today I will cooperate with the Spirit of God as He uses prophetic people to help mend whatever brokenness there may be in my spirit that would weaken me.
Today I will encourage others to embrace their own strength by my example of empowerment emanating from the inner man. God's strength will be made perfect in any weakness that I may have. I can get through anything today, and today I will live in the now!
(taken/adapted from A Year In The Now, Bishop Jim Swilley)
God's blessings and peace to you and to your family, Patrick.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Added years and confidence
Today I will receive instruction and recognize good, sound advice when I hear it. It is written: "Hear, my son, and receive my sayings, and THE YEARS OF YOUR LIFE WILL BE MANY" (Proverbs 4:10).
...For by me your DAYS WILL BE MULTIPLIED, and YEARS OF LIFE WILL BE ADDED TO YOU" (Proverbs 9:11).
Today I will realize the importance of this day and will invest myself in it, totally. Every day of my life is important and special and significant. I will not take the gift of this day for granted.
Today I will make the decision to be satisfied with my life as it is. "With LONG LIFE I will SATISFY him, and show him my salvation" (Psalm 91:16). There is great confidence that comes from a life of contentment without complacency, so I will walk in that confidence by an act of my will. Life is good! God is good! Today is good!
Today I will make the effort to walk in health and safety. The name of sickness, disease, accident, calamity or any other potentially life-threatening thing must bow to the name of Jesus!
Today I will celebrate all that life has to offer, acknowledging, in all my ways, the God Who adds years to mine.
Today I will LIVE!
You, Oh Lord, are my confidence!!!
(some of the above modified from A Year In The Now, Bishop Jim Swilley)
Monday, September 7, 2009
Help Yourself!
This morning I was wondering if I am really doing all that I can to help myself, which in turn will ultimately help my family and those around me, yet I don't want to be burdened with guilt.
See if some of the following can propel you forward somehow today into the positive world...
Use your endeavors to heal yourself.
Live in the now because God has given you real and tangible ways to help yourself.
I am dependent on Him, but He has not left me helpless!
Today I will make my own way prosperous and will possess my promised land , and have good is He who gives me power to get wealth.
(oooh, for some reason this one just made the hairs on my arm stand up.)
Today I will take up my bed and walk concerning my own health and healing.
(okay, this one reminds me that I'm the only one who can put on my tennies and get my butt out the door!)
Get busy with accomplishing the task of making your dreams come true. God will do what only He can do concerning your dream, but do what only you can do about it — faith without works is dead!
[okay, here's that video for all you who are disenfranchised(spelling?) with their jobs, and considering a move...funny video but true reality for many of you] ...pause the playlist first.
Do not waste valuable time by being jealous of others or by feeling sorry for yourelf for any reason. Your life is unique to you and you, alone, are responsible for the quality of it.
Make your words work for you. Indulge in using the power of your tongue for those things that make life.
Take full responsibility for your words and for their consequences today. You are who you say you are.
Have a good attitude, and a positive self-image.
Do something to make your life better today.
A prayer, if you like, could be... Father, help me to help myself today. In Jesus’ name, amen.
(I gleaned and modified some of the above from A Year In The Now, by Bishop Jim Swilley, who is also my pastor as well)
Friday, August 28, 2009
Loving Yourself!
*It's easy to love others and write quotes about how that feels, but we seem to have a much harder time loving ourselves. So here are 14 great love quotes to remind us that we deserve our own love as much as the next person.
1. "Self-love seems so often unrequited." ~ Anthony Powell
2. "Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers." ~ Veronica A. Shoffstall
3. "If you must love your neighbor as yourself, it is at least as fair to love yourself as your neighbor." ~ Nicholas de Chamfort
4. "The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others." ~ Sonya Friedman
5. "You must love yourself before you love another. By accepting yourself and fully being what you are, your simple presence can make others happy." ~ Author Unknown
6. "Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world." ~ Lucille Ball
7. "Love yourself instead of abusing yourself." ~ Karolina Kurkova
8. "To love yourself right now, just as you are, is to give yourself heaven. Don't wait until you die. If you wait, you die now. If you love, you live now." ~ Alan Cohen
9. "To tell the truth is to become beautiful, to begin to love yourself, value yourself. And that's political, in its most profound way." ~ June Jordan
10. "Don't forget to love yourself." ~ Soren Kierkegaard
11. "If you can learn to love yourself and all the flaws, you can love other people so much better. And that makes you so happy." ~ Kristin Chenoweth
12. "You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." ~ Buddha
13. "Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
14. "It ain't what they call you, it's what you answer to." ~W.C. Fields
When it comes down to it, you must first love yourself before you can truly love others and you must love yourself before you can accept that others truly love you. So, if you look at it that way, perhaps Love Yourself Week is one of the most important holidays we celebrate! Let the above fourteen quotes remind you of that.
*-This article written by Noel Jameson
To these I would like to add...
"speaking badly of yourself is NOT what the potter has made." - Bishop Jim Swilley
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
I've been writing a lot lately on Kingdom Quest but I sincerely love this blog, too, it is my first blog baby you could say.
I just sent out an e-mail with updates so I thought I might just put that here, too, for those of you whom I haven't yet had the pleasure of receiving or finding your e-mail address, or that I just haven't entered them yet in my address book.
Here goes...
Hello. Hope you are having a good week!
Good mother's breast biopsy came out fine!
Zachary starts his new school next Monday, uniforms and all.
Natasha is doing pre-planning sessions this week at the school and trying to get things settled about her Latin and Spanish classes, a little confusion there but hope that questions are answered today with the headmaster. She's been very busy and I hope that very soon she will take whatever day she can and GO AND HAVE THAT CTSCAN...she really needs it. Please pray that all will come together well for that...thanks.
Well, I looked around for blackberries outside but their season has ended, however, we were able to get quite a few jars of jam made during the summer. Good news also is that the muscadines will be coming in soon!
I haven't put up a new post yet at Happy Blogger Heart, I may just post this letter there for now, but you can still leave comments/suggestions there. I've been wanting to write on a few things, including "Loving Yourself!":
I've put a spiritual word for those interested over on my new blog Kingdom Quest
entitled "TRUE RICHES!":
Please let me know if you've been to either one, and if you've benefited in some way...
would love to hear it. Thanks.
Wishing you a great day of peace, prosperity and progress!
-Karl Cobos
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
May you overflow with thanksgiving today.
I gathered the following from one of my favorite devotionals*:
What I'm trying to do here is get you to relax, not be so preoccupied with getting so you can respond to God's giving."(Luke 12:29 – The Message)
"In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." (I Thessalonians 5:18)
Today I will live in the now! I will live in the now because I am aware that I inhabit a wonderful world that my Father has created for me to enjoy, and I am thankful for everything that He continues to do to make my stay here a pleasurable one. I am counting my blessings today because I am blessed when I go out, and I am blessed when I come in!
Today I will be thankful for the little things . . . a bird singing in a tree in my yard . . . hearing the laughter of children . . . sharing a joke with a good friend . . . finding money in a pocket of a coat that I haven't worn in a while . . . receiving a compliment . . . watching a sunset . . . hearing good news from an old acquaintance . . . eating something that's not necessarily good for me . . . knowing that someone is praying for me . . . the comfort of home . . . .
Today I will live without regrets, because regrets tie me to the past and limit my abundant life in the now. I will see my problems as opportunities for God to work miracles, and I will view my mistakes as educational tools that prepare me for a better future. In my vocabulary, I will replace the words "if only" with the more positive words "next time!"
Today I will enjoy what I have available to me in this day. Tomorrow will take care of itself, and, even though I have things to look forward to, I will not allow my anticipation of future events to rob me of my appreciation of the wonderful NOW! I will make the decision to believe that today is the best day of my life!
Today I will remember to thank the people in my life who are a blessing to me – those who are reliable and dependable – those who go to the effort every day to make my life what it is. I will not take what they do for me for granted, and I will do and say things that will let them know it!
Today I will be in the moment, and will walk in godly contentment, being satisfied with what I have. I will consider the lifestyle of the lilies of the field.
Today I will remember to really thank the Lord for all of the blessings with which He regularly overtakes me. I will be loaded with unforgettable benefits in Christ today, and today I will live in the now!
Father, help me to realize what I have to be thankful for today. In Jesus’ name, amen.
*(from A Year In The Now, Bishop Jim Swilley)
What are you thankful for today, this week, this month?
Love you guys, thanks for coming by!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Physically...emotionally...spiritually...BE WELL!

You are well!

You're mind is well!

Have a thankful well!

You are an well!

You are a testimony to God's well!

...with the stripes that wounded Him we are healed and made whole.(Isaiah 53:3-5 AMP)

BE WELL!...I say, let it be well with your soul.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Living Your Dreams!
Walking in a park this morning I started contemplating about how we all have dreams/vision for things; for some it might be a job, or a car, or home, boyfriend/girlfriend...the list can go quite long I'm sure, but I asked myself, "what dreams I am already living that were once a hope or a dream?"
In my mid-20's I thought I'd never get I just had my 17th anniversary!
I thought we might not ever have children...then my son Zachary came by heartfelt prayer requests and miracles!
We wondered if we would ever replace the old computer with a new one...and here I am writing on it, writing posts for blogs that were once a dream.
Can you think of the dreams you are living or experiencing already?
Now that it's yours, whether it came recently or years ago, what can be done to keep them alive?...keep them nourished?...keep them growing?
Be thankful for the dreams and fulfilled visions that you already posess...of course, don't forget to dream new ones either.
Be real in your interactions with true to yourself!
Friday, July 24, 2009
that if you've been through a wipe out!..keep an eye out of how you can
chill out!
First...the Wipeout, click below, but first pause the playlist.
Now, the chill out!

Peace out!

...maybe cookout!?

There is nothing better for man than to eat, drink, and to enjoy his work. I have seen that even this is from God's hand.-King Solomon, from the book Ecclesiastes 2:24
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Hold Your Head Up!

I've enclosed, once again, a few choice words from my son Zachary, at the end.
Today, I say that you will rise above any sense of inadequacy that attempts to paralyze you emotionally.
Refuse to be intimidated by phony feelings of inferiority...stop comparing yourself with others!
Don't live your life according to someone else's vision for your destiny.
Carry yourself with confidence, speak like someone who is successful, walk like a winner, and present yourself to the public as one who has a sense of purpose.
Do what you can to correct mistakes, or contain them, and move forward to something better and greater.
Greatness is not perfection.
Let your confidence flow from a sense of understanding who you are, knowing your strengths and weaknesses, virtues and flaws, potential and limitations.
*(some of the above lines were adapted from A Year In The Now by Bishop Jim Swilley)
Do any of you remember this song by Argent?, entitled "Hold Your Head Up"
And if it's bad
Don't let it get you down, you can take it
And if it hurts
Don't let them see you cry, you can take it
Hold your head up (whoa), hold your head up (whoa)
Hold your head up (whoa), hold your head high
And if they stare
Just let them burn their eyes on you moving
And if they shout
Don't let them change a thing what you're doing
Hold your head up, hold your head up
Hold your head up, hold your head high
(ok, now I've got you singin' it)
"But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory and the One Who lifts up my head" Psalm 3:3
Today I will hold my head high! - I love you guys, and don't forget to comment when you can.
Zachary made up this joke this past week-
what do you call a see-through lady with a see-through baby?
Also after buying the Bejeweled game this week he was playing the mode called Zen(where you can't lose)...I was giving him a hint and he looked at me and said "this is MY don't need hints if you're never going to lose." I shut up.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Build Your Legacy Today!

Dream big...start now.
Keep going when you feel tired...try again when you fail.
Shake off the spirit of heaviness...put on the garment of praise.
Give thanks...keep smiling.
Stop worrying about what other people think about yourself.
Let go when you need to...hold on when you have to.
Tears happen...endure...grieve if you have to and then move on.
Create your world today by the words of your mouth.
Live generously and graciously.
Be childlike without being childish.
Do the world some good!
Build your legacy today!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Happy me!

Thank you God for creating me.
Happy Birthday to me! #44
July 11
...For it was You who created my inward parts;
You knit me together in my mother' s womb.
I will praise You,
because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made.
Your works are wonderful, and I know this very well
My bones were not hidden from You
when I was made in secret, when I was formed in the
depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw me when I was formless;
all my days were written in Your book and planned
before a single one of them began.
Psalm 139:13-16
Lord, You have searched me and known me...You are aware of ALL my ways.
...lead me in the everlasting way. (from Psalm 139:1,3,24)
I say, too, that you are wonderful, for you are His work. God bless you and thank you for all the birthday wishes and prayers for a great day!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Rediscovering Priority
What can you do to more simplify your life today?
Life was designed to be simple, not complicated, and I believe one of the keys to simplifying life is prioritization.
Priority can be defined as:
The principal thing.
Putting first things first.
Establishing the most important thing.
Primary focus.
Placing in order of importance.
First among all others.
May good priority today help relieve stress and give you some extra " time".
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be AFRAID!
Be courageous to face the truth.
Be courageous to use what's already in your hand.
Be courageous to improve your belief system.
Be courageous to identify your real hunger.
Be courageous to assess where you are on your spiritual journey.
Be courageous to inspire your own spirit by the true Spirit of God.
Be courageous to invest your whole life into the Kingdom of God.
...and speaking of the Kingdom of God, for those who want to go deeper in spiritual thought and studies of the Kingdom I've just started a new blog called Kingdom Quest and you can get there by going to
I'm sure we could add many things to this list such as; being courageous to forgive, being courageous to share, and courageous to love, etc.
Love to all...let us know how your July 4th went, and keep on smilin'.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
" TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind."
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Truth and Freedom
"He whom the Son sets free is free indeed"
"I am the way, THE TRUTH, and the life"
"where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty", there is freedom, free for ALL!
I pause to say thank you to those who fought for our freedom, and to those who are fighting now to defend freedom around the world. "Thank you" to those who gave the ultimate price of their lives for others to live in freedom.
I especially want to honor and thank Jesus Christ for paying that ultimate price by His sacrifice on the cross for me to have life and freedom in and freedom for all of us!
The one who is thirsty should come. Whoever desires should take the living water as a gift.
Revelation 22:17
"...if you knew the gift of God, and who is saying to you, 'Give Me a drink', you would ask Him, and He would give you living water."
Say yes to life, and embrace the blessings of His freedom today!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
One week after July 4th is my birthday, the 11th. One week later on the 18th is my wedding anniversary...this time it is #17. My plan is to add another celebration this weekend by getting re-baptized!
I can't think of a better weekend to declare freedom in Christ than Independence Day weekend, and my prayer is to go deeper and deeper into that experience of freedom in His Spirit!

I remember going to the cabin and picking blackberries and canoeing, and the beach.
What will you be planning this month, week, or today to celebrate?
Celebrate all that the summer brings.
Celebrate life!...celebrate your life!

"...everyone around the world, Come On!..let's celebrate!"-Kool and The Gang
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Today I will live in the now! I will live in the now because I have a right to be happy, and I have been given the power to create happiness! I will not waste the opportunities presented in this day with continual references to tragedies from the past. I will not miss the beauty of living in the moment by bemoaning all the hard times in the present. And I will not let myself become dangerously distracted from prophetically planning my future by predicting calamities ahead!

Today I will rejoice that my sins are forgiven, that God knows me and cares about what happens to me today, and that things are getting better for me as I go from glory to glory. I will make the choice to be unaffected by negative forces or bad news.
Today I will laugh at my mistakes and problems, not letting them dominate my mind, or make me feel inadequate or overwhelmed. I will not take things too seriously today, choosing Jesus' easy burden and light yoke for my life, instead of the pressure, stress, and oppression that comes from being too hard on myself, or too anxious about my current state of affairs.
Today I will celebrate the goodness of the Lord, counting my blessings and remembering to be thankful for them all. I will not forget His benefits – how He forgives all of my iniquities and heals all of my diseases.
Today I will sing a song of victory even before the battle is over. The joy of the Lord will strengthen me to defeat every foe, give me supernatural energy and cause me to get stronger with every fight!

Today I will enjoy the company of happy people, and if I can't find any, I will try to make some unhappy people feel better about their situations. And if I can't make anybody else happy, I will enjoy being happy alone, because I have that much to be happy about!
Today I will make it a point to smile . . . to laugh . . . to think positive thoughts . . . to praise the Lord . . . to cheer up someone . . . to pray for the happiness of others . . . to avoid things that depress me . . . to avoid music or images that darken my mood . . . to speak words of edification to those that I care for . . . to be a blessing . . . to sing . . . to worship God in spirit and in truth . . . to do something positive for the Kingdom. Today will be a day of happiness for me, regardless of the circumstances, and today I will live in the now!

Father, help me do things that make You happy today. In Jesus’ name, amen.
(Taken from the devotional "A Year In The Now" by Jim Swilley.)
I needed to post this today. One reason is that I honestly have been struggling with some of these issues lately, and these words greatly helped to lift me up. Hopefully it will help others out of heaviness, too. God bless you all and thanks for visiting, come back soon!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Pray for it. Renew it. The whole earth may groan but it is also filled with God's glory!

There is always something to do that can help build, renew or refresh the earth around us if we search for it.
What's been in my mind recently include the words REVIVE, REFRESH, and STRENGTHEN!
Renewal also comes to mind...and transformations that come by the renewing of our mind.
"...those who wait and trust in the Lord will RENEW their strength."
"...let your KINGDOM come ON EARTH, as it is in heaven. May the Father show us how to see the world through HIS window, for He pours out His Spirit on ALL flesh, and nations.

This is our Father's world and I say that it is revived! I will search for what I can do to RENEW the earth around me.
I say that you choose to be happy, NOW...while working to make things better.
...and whatever you think about others/celebrities this week, don't judge...for who are we?..there are no nailprints in our hands.
Pray for their families instead. God bless!

Goodbye Michael and goodbye Farrah.
(hey, check out the shining cross image on her lapel)
Friday, June 26, 2009
Don't Give Up!
This was a word for me today and I feel that you or someone out there simply needs to hear the words "don't give up", "do NOT quit!".

Stay in the race, keep facing forward even if you don't feel like you're going anywhere. Your future will come from seeing ahead of you and looking forward.
I will try and write more on this later tonight or early morning.
3:oo am-ok I'm back...tired but wanted to write a little something extra.
I believe when we work for the good of ALL people and not just ourselves, it becomes easier to not give up or "throw in the towel."
Your sowing of positive action strengthens everyone, including yourself. If a part of your body decided to quit and give up, what effect would that have on the rest of your body? Similarly, I believe that we are ALL connected.
There might be other words that you use to say the same thing, such as...persevere...hang in there...shake it off. Whatever connects with you, go with that. It is your decision and your will to say "I WILL not quit!"
So, don't get tired of doing will reap at the proper time if you don't give up.
Galatians 6:9
Thursday, June 25, 2009!

Change is a everything there is a season...things come and then they go, they "come to pass".
I've been going through LOTS of changes this past year and I'm trying to see things in this better light. To see things as not "the end of the world" but the beginnings of new chapters in my life.
Change happens to all of us, so you might as well go with the flow, like a willow tree.
Difficult sometimes, yes, but so is birth.
The decisions you make today can create events and change circumstances.
Listen...think...meditate...pray...your destiny is a matter of choice. Today's decisions are tomorrow's realities.

Express your desires and dreams by your decisions and dedicate yourself to the discipline of being diligent enough to dare to make them come true.
You will also decide and decree a thing and it will be established for you; and the light of God's favor will shine upon your ways. (Job 22:28)
Monday, June 22, 2009

BREAK OUT!....leap, run into your new day!
Don't let anyone limit your progress or diminish your gifts or talents.
Don't let anyone prohibit you from realizing all of your possibilities.

Don't let anyone put you in a box by their words, opinions or beliefs about you.
You are who God says you are, and I agree with Him that anything is possible, and I say that faith is increased in you, that nothing deters your progress, delays your promotion or defeats your purpose!
I say that we all get a bigger picture in our heads of who we are and what we're supposed to do, than what we've settled for up to this point. Let's all live a bigger life...and BREAK OUT!!!
(some of the above inspired by/adapted from A Year In The Now by Bishop Jim Swilley)
On a funny note my son said last night, "it's good to have sugar around, then you can be as fast as me!
...and words of love he had for me when going to bed..."Happy Father's Night!...and when midnight comes it won't be Father's Day anymore but you'll always be the best daddy ever!"
***just after posting this the song 'Eye of the Tiger' came on the playlist which I thought was pretty appropriate about going the distance and breaking out, so some of you might want to listen to that while/after reading the post, you might need to click on the pop-out player possibly to see the full list. God bless!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's day!
I'm still learning how to work this blog so thanks for your understanding.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
It's ALL good.
I've heard of several people that have passed away this week and was thinking how do you balance "a time to mourn and a time to dance", on the same platform, being saddened yet in other places being happy?
We have the saying "history REPEATS itself", and "whatever is , has already been, and whatever will be, ALREADY IS. God repeats what has passed.(from Ecclesiastes 3)

I thought of a timeline, then I thought if something comes AROUND again then that would make our timeLINE a CIRCLE. If you join the ends of a line you have a CIRCLE, also a symbol for that which is ETERNAL.
Though there is a point in our earth time for everything, it ultimately exists in the eternal.

What we put out there is put on a circular track(like the top photo);
like reaping and sowing, what goes around comes around. We put so much attention on our EARTH(flesh time) "what's left" existence when God puts ETERNITY in our hearts, so we shouldn't have to struggle with the thoughts like; I should feel sad, I feel guilty to be happy, or I should feel can feel it all and have it all. You can weep one moment and be ecstatic the's OK.
I think Jesus Christ gave us perfect examples of this, because his thinking was ETERNAL yet He fully lived in every moment. He savored life.
That's why he could jump from rejoicing at a dinner then cry over Jerusalem, then say at his LAST supper "with JOY I've longed to eat this passover with you".

Be filled with the mind of Christ, be filled with eternal thinking and ENJOY the life that God has given you. Don't worry about the days or length of your life, let God keep you occupied with the JOY in your heart! It's ALL good.
I will be planning to post a Father's Day post either tonight or tomorrow morning and probably keep it on through Monday, maybe Tuesday. Keep blogging with your Father's Day comments, activities, thoughts and feelings. Love ya'