Physically...emotionally...spiritually...BE WELL!

You are well!

You're mind is well!

Have a thankful well!

You are an well!

You are a testimony to God's well!

...with the stripes that wounded Him we are healed and made whole.(Isaiah 53:3-5 AMP)

BE WELL!...I say, let it be well with your soul.

Amen and Amen! I receive Being Well Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually, and FINANCIALLY! It is well with us, if it isn't now, we'll just ride out the wave until it actually IS WELL, giving our condition enough momentum to come into alignment with the words that we have decreed and accepted as TRUTH in our Belief System! Let God's word stand as true and everything contrary to His Word not only be made a liar, but also NULL an Void, just as it should be. Amen.
Yes, financial wellness sounds excellent too, amen to that!
Like the visual of riding the wave, the swell until you see the "well"
Be well Scribe, thanks for the blog.
It is is well with my soul.
Let the weak SAY "I am strong!"
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