One week after July 4th is my birthday, the 11th. One week later on the 18th is my wedding anniversary...this time it is #17. My plan is to add another celebration this weekend by getting re-baptized!
I can't think of a better weekend to declare freedom in Christ than Independence Day weekend, and my prayer is to go deeper and deeper into that experience of freedom in His Spirit!

I remember going to the cabin and picking blackberries and canoeing, and the beach.
What will you be planning this month, week, or today to celebrate?
Celebrate all that the summer brings.
Celebrate life!...celebrate your life!

"...everyone around the world, Come On!..let's celebrate!"-Kool and The Gang
Hey Karl!
One of my faves was when me & my older brother took our little 14 foot boat from the cottage on the St. Lawrence River to a fireworks display down in Alexandria Bay, NY about 3-4 miles by water. Well, it was a nice enough night but I had to hold a hurricane lamp up in the front to show port & starboard & my brother had a lantern in the back. Well, coming back in the narrow part of this large river(maybe 200-259 wide) there were many big boats that were kicking up waves & then the waves would bounce off the rocks and hit us from both sides- it was scary! We made it back in one piece, but if we would have been swamped I and my brother would not be here now!
Got your post on my total agreement with you! Also please be praying for me as seems like the drive that I had when I first started the blog has totally left the building and I dont know where it went....
My favorite July memory from my childhood is growing up in Detroit and going down to the riverfront and watching either Target's or Macy's(then in Detroit known as Marshall Fields) annual fireworks show. When I moved down here we did the same thing but it was at the horse park. I remember the first time I went...I initially went by myself but ended up hanging out with Judah.
Thank God for freedom!!
Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Freedom!!
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