Friday, January 22, 2010

Live Liberated!

Be free...let yesterday comes to you...see the light at the end of the optimistic in your thinking...great things await...don't be afraid where the day takes you...wellcome all possibilities...a new opportunity lies around the's a new day...everything is the liberated life today!

(pause the playlist...the last half of this really builds well with the music)

Today I will not be overcome by sorrow, because weeping may endure for the night but joy comes in the morning.
Woman Jumping for Joy at the Beach

Today the Bright and Morning Star shines on me-and through me. It's a new day and everything is different in my world than it was before.

Butterflies in desert

I demonstrate that His mercies are new this morning by my determination to live the liberated life today.

Person standing on desert dune, arms outstretched

(above quotes taken from A Year In The Now, Jim Swilley)


SCRIBE said...

Its time that we stand up and begin to LIVE on our feet in the fullness of God instead of dying on our knees and cowered down in the corner. Take the steps of faith and move towards the purpose and vision that God has predestined. We don't fail until we give up or stop trying.

Karl said...

amen...a just man may fall many times but gets back up.
-thank you Scribe for your posts.