I am thankful that Zachary's doctor's appointment went well today...thankful that he is doing well...thankful for being able to treat him with pancakes at Cracker Barrel with blueberry syrup, maple syrup and cinnamon apples!...thankful that I could buy a "chick-o-stick"(remember those?)...thankful to be able to create blogs and share.
May you overflow with thanksgiving today.
I gathered the following from one of my favorite devotionals*:
What I'm trying to do here is get you to relax, not be so preoccupied with getting so you can respond to God's giving."(Luke 12:29 – The Message)
"In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." (I Thessalonians 5:18)
Today I will live in the now! I will live in the now because I am aware that I inhabit a wonderful world that my Father has created for me to enjoy, and I am thankful for everything that He continues to do to make my stay here a pleasurable one. I am counting my blessings today because I am blessed when I go out, and I am blessed when I come in!
Today I will be thankful for the little things . . . a bird singing in a tree in my yard . . . hearing the laughter of children . . . sharing a joke with a good friend . . . finding money in a pocket of a coat that I haven't worn in a while . . . receiving a compliment . . . watching a sunset . . . hearing good news from an old acquaintance . . . eating something that's not necessarily good for me . . . knowing that someone is praying for me . . . the comfort of home . . . .
Today I will live without regrets, because regrets tie me to the past and limit my abundant life in the now. I will see my problems as opportunities for God to work miracles, and I will view my mistakes as educational tools that prepare me for a better future. In my vocabulary, I will replace the words "if only" with the more positive words "next time!"
Today I will enjoy what I have available to me in this day. Tomorrow will take care of itself, and, even though I have things to look forward to, I will not allow my anticipation of future events to rob me of my appreciation of the wonderful NOW! I will make the decision to believe that today is the best day of my life!
Today I will remember to thank the people in my life who are a blessing to me – those who are reliable and dependable – those who go to the effort every day to make my life what it is. I will not take what they do for me for granted, and I will do and say things that will let them know it!
Today I will be in the moment, and will walk in godly contentment, being satisfied with what I have. I will consider the lifestyle of the lilies of the field.
Today I will remember to really thank the Lord for all of the blessings with which He regularly overtakes me. I will be loaded with unforgettable benefits in Christ today, and today I will live in the now!
Father, help me to realize what I have to be thankful for today. In Jesus’ name, amen.
*(from A Year In The Now, Bishop Jim Swilley)
What are you thankful for today, this week, this month?
Love you guys, thanks for coming by!
No one person was meant to know everything because then life wouldn't be
worth living. Plus, as humans, our mental capacity couldn't store all of
that info...
I'm so glad to hear that Zachary's appointment went well. I really like everything you say about being thankful to all of those that are part of my life and you know I am thankful to you and yoru family. You guys have been really good friends and I mean true friends. Thanks for all the fun times we have enjoyed together! And you are right to live in the now but if I see the now is not what I expected it to be but I know that things will change for me. Leave it to the lord and he will make those changes for me-I know.
How's your mom? I hope she is feeling well. Thank you for cheering us up. Have a blessed day senor!
Thanks Everardo, always good to hear from you here...glad you stopped by.
...and you're welcome.
Thank you, too , for all you've done for us, and especially the things for Natasha.
Today, I'm thankful that Zachary and I could get out together and find a great deal at Sonic for some slushies (2 for 1) and a junior burger, $2.13!
I'm thankful for all those who come by this blog, and for this wonderful place of communication.
I'm thankful for whatever things have blessed you by coming by here, and thankful for all of you.
Thank you for responding me senor. I did come to check it out again since I got a little bit of time. Have a good day! Talk to you later! God bless and thanks fo the texts! Everardo
Hi Karl!
Thanks for your prayers and words of encouragement! I love the Argent song, "Hold Your Head UP", one of my faves from long ago! Nice pics on the blog! Best to you & fam & may the fullness of God be yours!
Bro Lar
word ver "FORTHED", "Gird up the loins of your mind", "Blessed is the man whose mind is staid upon the Lord." "Take the helmet of salvation..." ...in other words, have a "forthead" mentality where the Lord is your shield and buckler!
Thanks for the blog Lar.
I was wondering if that Argent song would connect with anyone...I'm glad that it did.
Thanks for the comments on the pics, too.
...and the "forthead" mentality!
God bless you and your daughter!
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