Thursday, July 9, 2009

Rediscovering Priority

Hello beautiful friends!

What can you do to more simplify your life today?

Life was designed to be simple, not complicated, and I believe one of the keys to simplifying life is prioritization.

Priority can be defined as:
The principal thing.

Putting first things first.

Establishing the most important thing.

Primary focus.

Placing in order of importance.

First among all others.

May good priority today help relieve stress and give you some extra " time".


SCRIBE said...

When we ask GOD to show us what HIS Priorities are for us, and we focus on those, we cannot go wrong. As God's priorities for us becomes most important TO US, we shall walk out our daily lives in victory and freedom. Give us THIS DAY, Father our daily rations of WISDOM.... Wisdom are the choice morsels of bread that catapult the ordinary into God's Extraordinary!

Karl said...

Thank you Scribe!
My first thought is: Seek first (the priority), the kingdom of God!
Enjoy your blogs.

SCRIBE said...

H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y, KARL!!!
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y, KARL...

May God pour out TREMENDOUS Blessings, Favor, and Great Surprises for you and your family for the remainder of this year. We are believing that the last half of this year will be far better than the beginning...

Larry Usher said...

Try to do this on a regular basis, but I still waste too much time!
Blessings Karl!

Karl said...

Amen Scribe, thanks.

Larry, any sec you stop by is appreciated greatly, but yes, I do understand. Thanks for the blessings and God bless you in your new work!

Tomorrow we'll probably do something simple like eating at Taco Bell then coming to the house to have Peach cobbler and ice cream.