Thursday, May 14, 2009

What Next?

Well, this morning ended this work phase with the Census Bureau, so now I'm pondering, "what's next?"
I have to believe that because this good work happened, so will another!

Tuesday as I was finishing up the last day in the field and driving back home (the back roads) from Riverdale, Ga. I was thinking how nice much of this work has been.
During my work I got to see a lot of neighborhoods, many nice landscapes, and the nice feeling that I was actually being paid for time and mileage traveling to different areas!

I knew the work was coming to a close but I felt so peaceful about things on this drive...from nice passing cows in the field and feed mills and farms...gourds and gardens.
Something about all the colors of the flowers and the grasses I passed by that seemed to say, "Don't worry, everything is going to be fine". Reminders of Jesus' words flowed that said, "your Father will provide".

So, I took a deep breath as I watched the glow of the late afternoon golden colors, and relaxed in the driver's seat enjoying an awesome sunset drive back home.
Yes, I am blessed, I am alive and I am enjoying this day.

There may be something that you are worried about today...there may be a LOT of things!
When you drive your car today or tomorrow, or walk, remember those flowers of the field and those birds in the air...THEY ARE TRYING TO GET YOUR ATTENTION! Listen and relax!

The main point of this blog is to cheer us up, to lighten the load, to put medicine into your spirit, peace into your mind through laughter, joy, mirth, lift the heaviness and create confidence in your loving Creator.


Yve said...

Hey Karl,

I appreciate your great attitude about your job "temporarily" coming to a close. I set my faith and agree with you that there is much employment on the horizon for you and your wife.

I liked this article. Funny you should write this on yesterday. I was riding to Rutledge today on an appointment and had to go back to Covington because apparently there was a really bad accident on I-20. So I decided I would drive on 278 to Rutledge and the scenary was just gorgeous, some cows, some ponies, lots of green grass and yes the color purple.

Certainly, I thought about Bishop and his many impressions of the
Color purple and the meaning of the movie which is we should always notice the beautiful colors of life around us.

Then I blog on happy heart and you are writing about the same thing. That is a flow, God does want us to be grateful for the beautiful "free" things he has created for our benefit.

Please call me ASAP for a one day assignment on Saturday. My emails have my telephone number.

The clouds are really white today like big cotton balls.

Thanks for the confirmation to always "Look up".


Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right. Sometimes I focus on stuff I shouldn't be focussing on and I do not realize the beautiful things around us. Thanks for making me realize it. And also thank you so much for inviting me over. I had a great time with you all. It was fun as usual. Gracias!

Anonymous said...

I really thank you guys for your posts, means a lot!
Yvonne-really cool about the flow of those things and how it comes through here.

Everardo-always a pleasure in having your company.
Keep looking up, good things are coming your way.
I pray and speak clarity into your vision and your thoughts...that you have peace, and be true to your gifts and talents.

God will make a way.

karl said...

oops, forgot to mention that the last post was from me - Karl