Wednesday, May 20, 2009

God's Masterpiece!

You are His work of art! (see Ephesians 2:10)

What can you do today to make the world a better place?


Linda Luke said...

Give everyone I meet a smile! Show kindness, understanding, offer encouragement when needed and be joyful always!

REALLY refreshing here! There's joy & peace!!!

BLESSINGS Karl!!! ...cute pic of Zachary!

SCRIBE said...

We can raise up the youth in the ways of GOD by serving as a LIVING EXAMPLE, not only being people of words, but people of positive and affirmative action. Then, they will not have to look for others as role models, they will observe the roles that we play first hand before God and all others. They may not appreciate it as they are seeing it and living it, but they will reflect back those things we did or attempted to do right- and with absolute truth, they will WANT TO DO what is RIGHT because it is right, not because they are told to do right while observing their elders do wrong without remorse or repentance. And when we do miss the mark, don't fail to admit or shortcomings and mistakes to God and our children, and help them to learn and grow from the mistakes that we have made. Through these types of lifestyles, the younger generations are both respectful and proud of those who took the time to show them the way.

Verification word: VERSE

Teezy313 said...

Not live with bitterness because ultimately it would lead to my demise. While others are prospering I'm holding on to what someone else did to me or to a past circumstance rather than forgiving that person and forgetting that circumstance and moving forward with my life.

Karl said...

I really want to thank all of you, because right now with what you guys have spoken, you have made the world (and especially mine, a better place).
I came here just at the right time, and was lifted up!

There was temptation, believe me, to dump some of my "stuff" here until I was reminded by my own blog that even though we all go through things the point of being here is for refreshment, peace and joy.

Crown Jewel-
Thanks for coming and I'm glad that you found refreshment here, and your words of confirmation of Peace and Joy that I have prayed that many would find and will find here.
I wrote 2 lines for this post in prayer and it has gotten the most and quickest feedback so cool is that...another reminder that little can become so much when put in His hands!

Your words and example are noticed, thank you. I needed that word about children today and I definitely pray for wisdom and understanding in teaching mine.
Maybe your word ver:verse was there because you always give a good word or

Teezy...YES!...right on time word.
I am releasing something right now in forgiving someone, releasing them to God, forgiving myself AND moving forward. Great word from Papa Swilley last night!

ok, now I need to think of what to post on the main page before leaving the library.

Love you guys, your presence here and your words are powerful and energizing!

Erik said...

Honor each other one.

Lisa said...

Roll with the waves with grace and strength even when your knees want to buckle. The world sees you and sees how you handle things. The Light of The Father shines through. That grace and rolling up your sleeves and just getting to work is a true light and example of GOD's Love and it does make a difference in this world.

Rachel said...

show one another love, real unconditional love.

Karl said...

Erik, Lisa and Rachel...
thanks for coming into this place...
"mi casa es su casa" that right Everardo?

Thanks for each one of your words everybody...I can see that we are already changing the world, right here.

Yes, the Light of The Father shines through.