Guys, you have got to look at this man...he's 109 years old and is still very active, including walking, speaking, interviews and writing books! ..what!? That's awesome.
It really encourages me to put on my tennies each day and do SOMETHING! (haha)
I came across a video that a friend of mine shared on Facebook about him and wanted to share a link to HIS PAGE (where he blogs!!) His name is Bernando LaPallo: He just put out a book at 108 years old!! That should give all of us writers and dreamers great encouragement...c'mon.
This is also interesting because right after I saw his video, I opened my devotional to today's date and the title is "ADDED YEARS!" way! ..but, yes way.
Here are a few sentences drawn from the page;
Skillful and godly Wisdom is more precious than rubies; and nothing you can wish for is to be compared to her. LENGTH OF DAYS is in her right hand, and in her left hand are riches and honor" - Proverbs 3:15,16
"Hear my son and receive my sayings, and THE YEARS OF YOUR LIFE WILL BE MANY"- Proverbs 4:10
...and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. For by me your DAYS WILL BE MULTIPLIED, and YEARS OF LIFE WILL BE ADDED TO YOU" - Proverbs 9:10,11
Today I will realize the importance of this day and will invest myself in it totally. Every day of my life is important and special and significant. I will not take the gift of this day for granted.
Today I will make the decision to be satisfied with my life as it is. "With LONG LIFE I will SATISFY him, and show him my salvation" (Psalm 91:16). There is great confidence that comes from a life of contentment without complacency, so I will walk in that confidence by an act of my will. Life is good! God is good! Today is good!
Today I will celebrate all that life has to offer, acknowledging in all my ways the God Who adds years to mine.
(the above taken from A Year In The Now, by bishop Jim Swilley, Church in the Now)
To this I would like to add my amen! I for one would like a long life, full of days, my eyes not growing dim or my strenth removed. Anyone else up for that?
I also heard of another man of 100 years who was asked what his main secret is: ..his first response was..."be happy".
No one person was meant to know everything because then life wouldn't be
worth living. Plus, as humans, our mental capacity couldn't store all of
that info...
Added Years?? How ironic... I love it ;) lol
Thanks for the comment and stopping by!
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