Through You the blind will see
Through You the mute will sing
Through You the deaf will hear
Through You my heart screams - "I am free!"
I am free to run
I am free to dance
I am free to live for You
I am free...I am free.
(taken from a Newsboys song I heard this morning)
I speak freedom from guilt over you, freedom from depression and heaviness, freedom from anxiety.
Let there be freedom from worry, freedom in your mind and freedom from self-condemnation. You are loved no matter what!
You are free to enter into the joy of the Lord...where your true strength enter...enter in.
I say that you are free from striving to earn grace...just stop it.
Jump into the river of joy in the Spirit of God!
It's MY WILL to bow and praise You. I will praise my God!
So tell me...or ask yourself..."WHAT do you want freedom from TODAY?"...Speak it out and over yourself.
No one person was meant to know everything because then life wouldn't be
worth living. Plus, as humans, our mental capacity couldn't store all of
that info...
Dear Karl,
Thank you so much for using my comments from bloginthenow yesterday. Today the Word I received from the Holy Spirit was: “RESTORER”.
And He continues to say “I AM THE RESTORER and I am restoring everything the enemy has taken away from you. Trust Me, ‘because I am the Restorer of everything in each of your lives.
Again, May the love of our Father is upon all of us.
Yes! Yes, I love your blog, it’s beautiful.
Consider it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations. I have been very joyful the past few days dealing with car problems! But alas I am a free man, no longer under the world's difficult taskmaster, but under the lordship of the King of Kings!
Like the blog Karl & the music list is phat!
Bro Lar
Kettly, yes, I say "yes, Lord, thank you for helping me see the RESTORATION. Thank you for your love and abundance and great gifts." My hands are open!
Larry, thanks for droppin' is your servant, and you are it's good master!
Notice the Satriani tune!?
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