Monday, April 27, 2009


Today I will not beat myself up because of yesterday's performance.

I can't change it in the first place and, secondly, I don't need to change it, even if I could. I will focus on today and on how I can make things better by learning from my mistakes. Failure will force me into faith and keep me looking ahead, creating a real desire within me to improve my skills and to be and do better. ALL the things that I have experienced will work together for my good!
(taken from A Year In The Now-Biship Jim Swilley)

I'm not going back, I'm looking ahead, I'm here to declare to past is over!

okay guys...I say to you..."enjoy the power of the moments but keep moving forward", even the quiet moments of planning things are moving you forward.

Hold on to your merry heart today...give thanks, for a joyful heart makes a face cheeful.

Any of you remember the band BOSTON?...well, "don't look back, a new day's breaking, it's been so long since I felt this way"
...the road is calling...TODAY IS THE DAY!

1 comment:

Water Walker said...

Hey Karl, that is funny that Israel Houghton's song/Moving forward has helped me go truly move forward over this past week or so. It plays in my head, as though God has given me a CD player when I lay down at night. The nation of worship's songs are so powerful and truly you guys redo some of the famous guys stuff, just a tad better.

Anyway, I read your testimony on Bishop's main blog and I am grateful that he took the knot out of the water hose and is still pouring you out many blessings.

I can't imagine anyone so worthy. I speak continuous blessings to your family.

Did you know that blessings are empowerment to prospers.

Peace and blessing
Water Walker