Friday, September 25, 2009

Get Up!

Get moving today! making the most of your time and seize every opportunity to do something important and worthwhile with your life.
Most of the things I read this morning dealt with diligence, and how it will pay off for me, and you, of course.

Below is a video that really spoke to me when I watched the whole thing pan out. It really speaks about you having a lot of value and talent to give, not giving up but GETTING UP, being diligent, moving forward and you'll be tell me what you think. (pause Playlist first, on the right)

I've also read about having a mind to work, and moving forward.
Like the girl in this video I sometimes feel like giving up, and some of you may have felt that at times too. I would say keep being diligent and maintain a dedication to the things you really believe in.
Hold on to your visions/dreams, and let your purpose consume you today.
Get up, get going, and move ahead!

He who cannot change the very fabric of his thought will never be able to change reality. Anwar Sadat

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Getting Rich!

...diligence brings wealth. (Proverb 10:4 The Message Bible)
...the hand of the diligent makes rich. (Proverb 10:4 Amplified Bible)

61st Primetime Emmy Awards Pressroom

Apply yourself to the fulfillment of destiny but also be content where you currently are.

Do all that you can to produce a pattern of behavior in your life that will bring self-improvement.

Woman Writing in Daily Organizer

Decide your daily routine, for your daily routine is determining your future!

Walk in a prosperous mentality and work wisely and well.

Discipline yourself to get rich God's way, for the blessing of the Lord makes rich and He adds no sorrow with it. (Proverb 10:22)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Calm Down.

Be at peace with your environment and your peers.

Manage your emotions, particularly anger. (yep, that one is really speaking to me this week)

Angry Woman on Telephone

Be wise in choosing your battles, and avoid unnecessary stress in your life .

Man dressed to go swimming

Take deep breaths...relax...laugh. Seek to forgive and don't take life too seriously.

Try not to let your enemies "get to you". Try to keep everything in perspective by looking at the big picture.

Jigsaw pieces in shape of house (Digital)

Let "soft answers" turn around negative situations today.

Learn to let something go today, and try to cast your care on God who cares for you.

Football Quarterback in Action

Found this older song of "It's raining again"...brought back memories of musical enjoyment while in my grandmother's little song.

Friday, September 18, 2009

I told you all things are possible...look at this million-dollar hole-in-one shot!!!

God bless him!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

All things are possible!

All things are possible!

Be true to your dream, you have to.
No one else can birth it for you, it is yours, you have to carry it.

Stop waiting on other run with it!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Silence can be Golden!

Sometimes words can only do harm, and can be very unnecessary... I will think with spiritual intelligence, and if I speak today, then I will speak positive and constructive words of discernment and insight.
This makes me think of an old song titled "Enjoy the Silence" by Depeche Mode,(pause playlist to the right)

I'll be very honest and say that I've been having a difficult time in controlling anger lately in some instances...interesting that I just read the following from Proverb 25:28;
A man who does not control his temper is like a city whose wall is broken down.

...and again I pulled some of the following from a favorite book...
"Don't jump to conclusions – there may be a perfectly good explanation for what you just saw."(Proverbs 25:8 – The Message)

"He who answers a matter before he hears the facts — it is folly and shame to him."(Proverbs 18:13 – AMP)

I will not have to tear down someone else in order to make myself look good.

I will not believe everything I hear, especially when I hear something negative about someone else.

Today I will not put my foot in my mouth by foolishly speaking of things about which I am ill-informed or of which I am ignorant.

Today I will know when to shut up.
It is written: "A fool vents all his feelings, but a wise man holds them back" (Proverbs 29:11), and again: "Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; when he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive" (Proverbs 17:28).

Today I will comprehend the meaning of the old adage
"Silence is golden."

I will not need to impress anyone by making them think that I know more than I actually do. I will be smart enough to be myself.

I will believe in myself, expect the best of myself, walk in confidence and godly counsel – but I will keep it all in perspective. I will realize that I don't know everything. I will not have to always be right today!

Today I will think before I speak.

Today I will ask the Lord to put a watch over my mouth, relying on the spiritual fruit of temperance and self-control to assist me in this matter.

Father, help me to speak like a wise person today. In Jesus’ name, amen.

(taken/adapted from A Year In The Now, Bishop Jim Swilley)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Strong in Spirit!

On the heels of Patrick Swayze's passing, I just now came across this reading;
The strong spirit of a man will sustain him in bodily pain or trouble, but a weak and broken spirit who can raise up or bear? (Proverb 18:14)

I heard yesterday how positive, strong, and upbeat Patrick always was or tried to be, laughing and playing jokes even at a barbeque a few weeks back. I think that that joy in the midst of anything is a great example to us.

Patrick Swayze 1952 - 2009---
A few words from what I'm reading as I type;
I will invest myself completely in this day, inspired by the incontestable insight that no infirmity can infiltrate or injure the infrastructure of my invincible inner fortress!

"A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken. All the days of the afflicted are evil, but he who is of a merry heart has a continual feast"-Proverb 15:13,15) I choose joy for myself today and, in so doing, I choose well-being for every area of my life!

Today I will medicate myself with the merriness of my own heart. "A merry heart does good like medicine..." (Proverb 17:22). I will enjoy experiencing ecstatic laughter, releasing endorphins to elevate me emotionally, enabling me to feel encouraged and enthusiastic about exemplifying an ever-excellent attitude!

Today I will cooperate with the Spirit of God as He uses prophetic people to help mend whatever brokenness there may be in my spirit that would weaken me.

Today I will encourage others to embrace their own strength by my example of empowerment emanating from the inner man. God's strength will be made perfect in any weakness that I may have. I can get through anything today, and today I will live in the now!
(taken/adapted from A Year In The Now, Bishop Jim Swilley)

God's blessings and peace to you and to your family, Patrick.

Tragic Patrick Swayze died earlier today after a long battle with cancer, he was 57

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Added years and confidence

The wisdom of God will not just give me a long life, but a prosperous one, as well!

Today I will receive instruction and recognize good, sound advice when I hear it. It is written: "Hear, my son, and receive my sayings, and THE YEARS OF YOUR LIFE WILL BE MANY" (Proverbs 4:10).

...For by me your DAYS WILL BE MULTIPLIED, and YEARS OF LIFE WILL BE ADDED TO YOU" (Proverbs 9:11).

Today I will realize the importance of this day and will invest myself in it, totally. Every day of my life is important and special and significant. I will not take the gift of this day for granted.

Today I will make the decision to be satisfied with my life as it is. "With LONG LIFE I will SATISFY him, and show him my salvation" (Psalm 91:16). There is great confidence that comes from a life of contentment without complacency, so I will walk in that confidence by an act of my will. Life is good! God is good! Today is good!

Today I will make the effort to walk in health and safety. The name of sickness, disease, accident, calamity or any other potentially life-threatening thing must bow to the name of Jesus!

Today I will celebrate all that life has to offer, acknowledging, in all my ways, the God Who adds years to mine.

Today I will LIVE!
You, Oh Lord, are my confidence!!!

(some of the above modified from A Year In The Now, Bishop Jim Swilley)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Help Yourself!

I hope that you find something helpful, and fun here today. The video below is really funny from CareerBuilder if you are considering a job change...I laughed a lot but it really connected with me and maybe it will you, too, in regards to following your dreams.

This morning I was wondering if I am really doing all that I can to help myself, which in turn will ultimately help my family and those around me, yet I don't want to be burdened with guilt.
See if some of the following can propel you forward somehow today into the positive world...

Use your endeavors to heal yourself.

Live in the now because God has given you real and tangible ways to help yourself.

I am dependent on Him, but He has not left me helpless!
Today I will make my own way prosperous and will possess my promised land , and have good is He who gives me power to get wealth.

(oooh, for some reason this one just made the hairs on my arm stand up.)

Today I will take up my bed and walk concerning my own health and healing.
(okay, this one reminds me that I'm the only one who can put on my tennies and get my butt out the door!)

Get busy with accomplishing the task of making your dreams come true. God will do what only He can do concerning your dream, but do what only you can do about it — faith without works is dead!
[okay, here's that video for all you who are disenfranchised(spelling?) with their jobs, and considering a move...funny video but true reality for many of you] ...pause the playlist first.

Do not waste valuable time by being jealous of others or by feeling sorry for yourelf for any reason. Your life is unique to you and you, alone, are responsible for the quality of it.

Make your words work for you. Indulge in using the power of your tongue for those things that make life.
Take full responsibility for your words and for their consequences today. You are who you say you are.

Have a good attitude, and a positive self-image.
Do something to make your life better today.

A prayer, if you like, could be... Father, help me to help myself today. In Jesus’ name, amen.
(I gleaned and modified some of the above from A Year In The Now, by Bishop Jim Swilley, who is also my pastor as well)